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Lea and Garsdon Church of England Primary School

Lea & Garsdon CE Primary School Healthy trees bearing good fruit

- Matthew 7:17


Below is the intent, implementation and impact statement for our newly developed curriculum. To see it in more detail, please refer to the Subject Areas and Rolling Programme tabs above, where you will find individual rolling programmes and progression maps.

Curriculum & Learning



Here at Lea, we want our children’s learning to be in context, driven by their locality but not confined by it. For us, History is the backbone of the curriculum around which other subjects revolve. We don’t have a chronology of topics but use concepts instead; in history these are lifestyle, legacy, migration and conflict as strands that run through from EYFS to year 6 to ensure progression. Within that, we choose topics that are local to the area so it is in context, and meaningful to the children.For other foundation subjects, we follow the same framework, using concept strands from EYFS to Year 6 and link in with the history subject where possible. Threaded throughout are our British values and our school values.



Most foundation subjects  will start with an enquiry question which will ultimately be answered in a final piece of work. We will use knowledge organisers in class to inform children of key facts, but these will be sent home termly for parents to support their child with. To ensure the information is embedded, we will use consistent recapping, going over prior learning, and at the end of a topic, we will use a mixture of low-stake quizzing  and double-page spreads to check the children's understanding. As concepts will be repeated annually, these will be recalled each year to further embed the knowledge and in addition, we will use Progression Tracking Sheets to ensure skills are being met.

To make the learning meaningful, we want every child to visit:


  1. a shop, a library, a farm, a beach, a woodland, a live music concert, a local park, an art gallery, a museum, a theatre, an airport, a cinema, different places of worship and castle and experience:
  2. a picnic, playing an instrument, cooking and country walking.

All children will value visits to museums and galleries and allows them to  build on their cultural capital so that when they leave for secondary school, they have a wealth of experiences to call upon.



Children will be engaged and want to find out more, completing research independently through projects and homework. They will be able to talk about the skills and knowledge they have acquired and their work will show the  range of subjects  being taught. The school environment will be curriculum-rich through vocabulary,teaching resources and the displays in both classrooms and circulation areas.

See the Rolling Programmes and Subject Area pages for more detail. For knowledge organisers, go to the class page.

Assessment in Core Subjects (Reading, Writing and Maths)


Assessment is an essential part of school life and has become part of the children’s everyday classroom routine.  We assess our children’s progress and achievements in two ways:


  1. Formative assessment.  This goes on throughout the school year and helps us to plan the most appropriate work for children to undertake next.
  2. Summative assessment.  This takes the form of a test to help us gauge the child’s level of understanding at a particular time. This takes place 3 times a year.


Children undertake Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs) in the May of  Year 6. KS1 SATs are no longer mandatory.


At Key Stage 2 the children sit tests for Maths, Reading and Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar at a specified time in May.  These are externally marked with results being available in July.  The teacher also gives a Teacher Assessment for these subjects and in addition for writing, which reflects their overall achievement at the end of the year.



KS1 SATs are no longer mandatory. The comparative report of KS1 results are those final results assessed in 2023.

Assessment Foundation Subjects 


Foundation subjects are also assessed continually throughout the year using formative assessment. Twice a year, children  are measured against the National Curriculum Criteria using the Assessment Sheets below: