School uniform
School Uniform List
- Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore.
- Grey shorts or blue & white summer dress in the summer (for younger children, make sure they are easy to get on and off and fasten independently. Do help your child to practise this before they start school.)
- White polo shirts.
- A navy blue jumper, sweatshirt, cardigan or fleece.
- Navy blue school sweatshirts, fleeces & cardigans can be ordered directly from the uniform supplier, Price Buckland
- Black school shoes – that your child can get on and off independently.
PE Kit
- Navy blue shorts (or navy blue jogging bottoms in winter.)
- Plain white T-shirt.
- Indoor PE - trainers or bare feet.
- Outdoor trainers (no Football boots) for outdoor PE and the daily mile.
Please send your child to school in their PE kit & they will wear it all day on PE days. We will let you know which 2 days your child has PE.
Additional items
- A Water bottle.
- A lunch box and lunch – if your child wants a packed lunch you have provided from home.
- Welly boots.
- A coat they can fasten independently – they need to have one every day, no matter the weather (help your child to practise this before they start school).
- Hat and gloves – in winter.
- Hat and sun cream – in summer. Please apply long lasting sun cream to your child before school as we are unable apply at school. The children have the opportunity to re-apply their own sun cream before lunchtime play.
- A bookbag (provided by the school) to be brought into school daily.
Please note that nail varnish, jewellery, elaborate hair fastenings and fake tattoos are not to be worn in school. It is important that everyone adheres to the dress code and if your child comes in with them, they will be asked to remove them and a note sent home.
Similarly, if different coloured clothing is worn into school then your child will be given spare (washed) clothing to wear for the day. We have a large selection of jumpers, tops and trousers we can issue if necessary. To avoid any unnecessary upset to the children, please support them in providing the correct uniform.