Extra Curricular Clubs
In addition to our own in-house clubs, there are also a number of other clubs available to book which are run by external agencies during the day and after school. These are currently as follows:
- RockSteady Music - Monday afternoons/after school. To book please register at https://rocksteadymusicschool.com
- Singing Lessons - Monday afternoons. To book please contact mazza.archer@gmail.com
- Young Engineers (Lego) Club - Monday after school. To book please register at http://www.cotswolds.young-engineers.co.uk
- French Club - Tuesday after school. To book please contact Anna-Kate Fuller admin@clubs4kids.com
- Piano Lessons - Wednesday mornings. To book please contact Michelle Howarth at michelle.howarth75@hotmail.co.uk (additional lessons also available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons)
- Drama Tots - Wednesday after school (Reception-Year2 Only) - For more information please contact Holly Darling holly@dramatots.co.uk or book at https://dramatotschippenhammalmesburyandcirencester.classforkids.io/info/110
- Guitar Lessons - Friday afternoons. To book please email Chris at chrisguitarinfo@gmail.com