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Lea and Garsdon Church of England Primary School

Lea & Garsdon CE Primary School Healthy trees bearing good fruit

- Matthew 7:17


SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


At Lea and Garsdon CE Primary School, in line with the 2014 Special Educational Needs Code of Practice, we believe every child has the right to flourish. 


Our vision is to enable all children to learn in the classroom with highly skilled teachers and Teaching Assistants as much as possible. We do this by adapting the teaching and / or the environment to remove the identified barriers to learning.

We recognise that some children will need small group or individual intervention outside of the classroom to enable these barriers to be overcome.  We aim to keep this to a minimum and this is linked to the outcomes on their support plan which are regularly reviewed, or is "dynamic" intervention which is wherever possible same day and meeting immediate needs.   

Inclusion is one of our school values.  Children from vulnerable groups including SEND, hold key positions in school council, eco warriors etc.

We use the Education Endowment Foundation’s 5- a –day strategies to underpin our high quality teaching for all learners.




Our Universal School Offer

Our Universal Offer for SEND

  • It is our aim to provide high quality teaching for all, offering further support and resources to those who need it. 
  • We believe that every child is unique and their voice and that of their parents and carers needs to be heard. 
  • Our Teachers and Teaching Assistants have a wealth of experience, knowledge and skills covering a range of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. 
  • There is a qualified SENDCo, (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator), Mrs Rachel Woods and a qualified ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant), Miss Alison Withers.  We also have a governor responsible for the overseeing of SEND provision throughout the school; Mrs Ann Suter. 

SEN support in school takes a graduated approach which will mean some children’s needs will be met through “high quality teaching ” or interventions available to all children, whereas some children may need more specific intervention programmes and support.  These children will have a support plan put in place with outcomes, provision and expectations agreed by you, your child and your child’s class teacher.   Some children may need a higher level of support through and Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which is granted by the Local Authority.  Our school Graduated Response document can be found in the document below.  

To contact our SENDco please email:

Celebrating Neurodiversity!

During the last week of term 4, we celebrated a range of Neuro-diversities and learnt about how we can support one another, thinking particularly about our value of Inclusion. 

Below are some clips we shared with the children which explain some neuro-diversities. 

Amazing Things Happen!

Introduction to autism that aims to raise awareness among young non-autistic audiences, to stimulate understanding and acceptance in future generations. Find out more:

See dyslexia differently

This animation seeks to preempt misconceptions among young audiences by shedding light on the real challenges dyslexic children face whilst also acknowledging their strengths and potential. A supporting teaching resource can be found here: It was created by the British Dyslexia Association with funding from the DfE alongside the mobile first website to support dyslexic people and to encourage people to 'See dyslexia differently'.

Let's talk about ADHD

This animation discusses what it means to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It was co-produced by children with ADHD, their families and carers, and health professionals in the field. It is based on research evidence as well as ideas from children and individuals with lived experienced of ADHD.

September coffee morning. It was lovely to see some new and some familiar faces at our coffee morning. We hope you found it useful. Here are the presentations:

February Coffee morning presentation on children's mental health week

Thank you to those of you who came to our coffee morning in October. If you were unable to attend, please find the presentations below. Keep an eye out for our next coffee morning to be announced soon!

In accordance with the 2014 Code of Practice, Please find our School offer for SEND, Annual SEND report to Governors and SEND policy here. You can also see our SEND in a nutshell document.

Accessibility Plan


In line with our core value of inclusion, we aim for every pupil to achieve the most successful individual outcomes educationally, socially, in their personal life and within their local community, and for their unique needs to be recognised and met as early as possible.  Our Accessibility Plan intends to achieve this vision by empowering these children and young people to achieve all that they can.  

Please see Policies for the Accessibility Plan.

Useful links for advice and support